MODEL NO = UPD 3.5 / 24

1.Size = Width (1.8 meters) height (1.8 meters) Length = (4.3 meters)
2.Weight = 1 TON
3.Power supply = 50 Hz; 3 × 220 V
4.Consumed power = kW – 24
5.The infrared heat emittors = 24 Pcs
6.The heat loss is not more than 3 C °
7.Vacuum ejectors, pcs – 2
8.Vacuum system capacity, m3 / h-18
9.Vacuum operating range, kgf / cm2 – from -0.1 to -0.9
10. Accuracy of vacuum balancing system, kgf / cm2 – 0.01;
11. Wavelength range of lamps in oscillation mode,  – 0,78-2,0;
12. Working pressure in pneumatic system, kgf / cm2 – 6-8;
13. Number of vacuum connections in the relief carriage = 14
14.Application max. profile size (mm) = 3500x200x200;

15. Application to flat material max. size (mm) = 3000x1250x20
16. Average heat treatment time (depending on load) = 10-15 minutes
17.Door control = Pneumatic
18.Independent power control mode in each section
19. Power level control of infrared heat emitters
20. Separate control of each compartment
21.All temperature control inside the oven
22.Computer controlled
23.Operator touch panel
24.Programmable operation mode
25.Manual operation mode;
26.Capacity = 30/60 m2 / hour
27. Required production area = 60-120 m2 (min)
28. Number of employees = 2-4 people