Since 2017 Teknikel Makine has joined us as a new member of our family with Turkey Representation of industrial machinery.
Especially in recent years, the shrinkage in the global economy has brought our company to new searches. As a result of the feasibility studies for new, innovative, economic, quality and high efficiency products we have obtained some data. In addition to the effect of dyeing and curing processes on the product quality as well as the production processes of the metal processing industry, some steps were taken to create the backbone of the items which constitute the manufacturing costs and to present the technological solutions in this field.
While developing new drying, curing and coating processing technologies in alternative to existing technologies, our main aim was to improve product quality as well as to save time and energy. Infrared heating technology, especially when used in combination with other heating methods, is a time and energy saving heating technology. On the other hand, due to its high thermal efficiency and heating speed compared to conventional heating, it is gaining popularity in the industry and its usage area is increasing.
Dyeing and curing processes of industrial powder coating are important processes in the sector. It is the backbone of the items that affect the quality and manufacturing costs. such problems as high energy consumption and technical service costs, powder coating losses, defective goods in curing processes can appear. The most common problem with manual powder coating is dye losses to the cabin.
With our electronic robots, standard quality and minimum loss can help you to reduce your costs significantly. Our Flame Spray coating machines offer innovative solutions for long-term protection and insulation, especially for indoor and outdoor use. Sublimation thermal transfer technology has undergone serious advances in the last 30 years. Surface decoration applications such as metal and glass have gained a different dimension with IR Radiation Wave technology. Again, it is aimed to get maximum benefit in quality and cost by participating in an innovative technology.
- Consulting service
- Project Design
- IR Large Drying Oven
- İnfrared Powder Coating Curing Oven
- Thermal Oven
- Painting Robot
- Painting Cabinet
- Sand Blasting Machine
- Pattern Transfer Machine
- Glass Pattern Transfer
- Flame Spray Coating Service
- Flame Spray Machine
- Laser cutting
- Bending Services
- Electrical Enclosures Manufacturing
- Technical support
- Technical Service
- Education
- Additional items selling